There are many ways to bond and create treasured memories with your family and friends while in quarantine. There are many step-by-step guides you can follow to create some of the most interesting board games and challenges for everyone to enjoy. If you did not stack up on games and puzzles, we have created a list for you with some of the most fun activities that you can DIY.
1. Obstacle courses:
If you are finding it hard to get motivated and moving, building this game could be the best way to get everyone in the house up and running. It could be a simple course indoors made of couch pillows, chairs, strings, and cups, or a complex series of obstacles in your garden (so long you are still inside your home parameters!). You can split up into teams and have a fun active challenge. For some ideas on creating the most entertaining obstacle courses indoors or outdoors you can follow this link.
2. Guess Who:
If you want to make board games a little more personal and interesting, Guess Who is the perfect game for you. You can make it as simple as picking a saying from a box and matching it to who you think said it. It can be as personal as family members and friends, or more about pop culture, the famous movie stars and singers. If you’re opting for a fancier version of this game you can learn to build it step by step through this link.

3. Jeopardy:
If you’re always the one with the random facts at the lunch table or always arguing with your siblings over the correct number of bones in the human body, this game could be a great way for you to challenge your family and declare yourself the-know-it-all. This game is an easy DIY and can include very random questions from science and maths, to TV shows and movie trivia. You can find a guide to build a challenging and interesting game of jeopardy here.
4. Karaoke:
Karaoke can be the perfect way to showcase your talent or lack thereof. It is a fun way for everyone to get together and sing to your favorite songs. All you need is a screen where you can search the karaoke version of whichever songs you love to sing along to. This game can turn into a dance off or even a group performance. If you suffer from a dying-cat voice as most of us do, luckily an actual mic is not necessary!
5. Building a fort:
Building a fort could be one of the greatest ways to bond with your family and relive your childhood memories where you stacked up all the couch cushions from your living room. You can build one for the whole family to watch a movie or play a game under. You can up your game by using fairy lights and blankets to create a comfortable space for you or the kids to watch a movie and enjoy some snacks. Building it together is half the fun and you can use this link as a guide!
This list of DIYs is a great way to help you pass time and get creative during quarantine. It is important to stay indoors, healthy and safe with your loved ones. If playing games is not your thing we have a list of things you can do to keep yourself occupied.